
Employment compensation: how the employer can get it

In February, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the relevant resolution.

Compensation for employment: how an employer can get it

At the end of March 2022, the program for the employment of displaced persons was launched, within the framework of which the state paid 6.5 thousand hryvnias to employers for each employed displaced person from the affected regions . This program continued to operate in 2023.

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By Resolution No. 124 of February 10, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers determined the procedure for providing compensation to employers for employment of the registered unemployed. This concerns the provision of jobs to certain categories of citizens.

The experts of the “Legal Adviser for IDPs” explained how the employer can receive such compensation from the employment center.

The following incentives are provided for the employment of the unemployed:

  • compensation of actual expenses in the amount of the EUV for the corresponding person for the month for which it is paid, but not more than UAH 2,948;
  • compensation of 50% of actual labor costs, but not more than UAH 6,700.

Compensation of actual costs in the amount of EUV

Compensation of actual costs in the amount of EUV for the relevant person for the month for which it was paid can be obtained for the employment of persons who have been in the status of registered unemployed for more than one month, upon the referral of the employment center for a period of not less than two years, namely:

  • one of the parents or a person who replaces them and: has a dependent child (children) under the age of six; raises a child under the age of 14 or a child with a disability without one of the spouses; supports without one of the spouses a person with a disability since childhood (regardless of age) and/or a person with a disability of group I (regardless of the cause of disability);
  • orphans and children deprived of parental care;
  • >

  • persons released after serving a sentence or forced treatment;
  • persons who have 10 or less years left before the right to an old-age pension;
  • persons who have reached the age of 15 and who, with the consent of one of the parents or the person who replaces them, can, as an exception, be hired;
  • persons who have been deprived of personal liberty as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine, after their release;
  • registered unemployed persons who have been registered unemployed for more than 6 months.

The duration of payment is 12 months over two years. The amount of compensation cannot be more than UAH 2,948 per month, i.e. the maximum amount of compensation is UAH 35,376 per 12 months.
In order to receive compensation, you must submit a sample application.

Compensation of 50% of actual labor costs

Compensation of 50% of actual labor costs can be obtained for employment at the referral of the employment center for a period of not less than one year for persons who have been in the status of registered unemployed for more than one month, namely:

  • persons with disabilities who have not reached retirement age;
  • participants in hostilities specified in clauses 19-21 of part 1 of article 6 of the Law “On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection”;
  • persons who have no more than p seven years.

Duration of payment – 6 months. The amount of compensation cannot be more than UAH 6,700/month, i.e. the maximum amount of compensation is UAH 40,200/6 months.

To receive compensation, you must submit a sample application.

Compensations are not provided to the employer , when the business entity is in debt:

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  • from the payment of a single contribution;
  • from the payment of insurance premiums for mandatory state pension insurance;
  • < li>from the payment of wages;

  • before the state (local) budget for more than 6 months;
  • bankruptcy (insolvency) court procedures are applied to the business entity or the business entity is in stage of liquidation.

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Source: ZN

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