
Entry of Ukrainian manufacturers to European markets: what buyers in different countries pay attention to

Europeans most often choose their own manufacturers.

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It will be difficult for Ukrainian manufacturers to get a foothold in the markets of European countries, despite the popularity of Ukrainian topics today. Because consumers in different European markets prefer their local brands and producers. This is evidenced by the results of research by the research company Gradus Research.

“These studies demonstrate that Europeans tend to choose local brands of their countries, this is the norm in Europe…,” comments Yevhen Blyzniuk, sociologist, founder and director of Gradus Research. — The main driver of the choice is the perception of the country as a quality producer. It is a country brand consisting of a large number of brands and specific products, and works in general for the country as a preferred shopping destination.”

Countries can be divided into three broad categories:

  • the first is countries where it is relatively easier for other manufacturers to enter, because consumers are loyal to foreign manufacturers. Ukraine, Poland and to some extent Italy belong to this category. Consumers of these countries are open to foreign offers;
  • The Netherlands and Germany are included in the category of moderate countries, there is great loyalty to local manufacturers, but they consider buying brands from other countries at a high level;
  • the third category – closed markets for foreign manufacturers – Great Britain and France. They show themselves as patriotic consumers who first of all pay attention to their brands and do not really want to buy foreign goods.

Entry of Ukrainian manufacturers to European markets: what buyers in different countries pay attention to

By what criteria do buyers choose a manufacturer

The factor of highest qualitythe most filled, and it is in this field that countries compete with each other. In almost all countries in the top, except for the own manufacturer, there is Germany, the USA and sometimes France, and sometimes Great Britain.

Very often these neighboring countries, for example, Germany is the second choice for the Netherlands and France. However, Ukraine and Poland generally put Germany in a separate place, considering that these goods are of the highest quality. Therefore, we can conclude that Ukrainians and Poles still gravitate to the local manufacturer.

Entry of Ukrainian manufacturers to European markets: what buyers in different countries pay attention to

If we consider the factor of price attractiveness, China stands out from the rest. In fact, in all countries he is a very significant player. As for Ukraine, it is the most attractive from the price point of view for Poland, among all the studied countries.

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Entry of Ukrainian manufacturers to European markets: what buyers in different countries pay attention to

The attractiveness of brands in terms of availability, distribution is an important factor. In Ukraine, Poland and China are the highest and closest categories. Instead, distribution in other countries depends on specific companies, individual networks that are built. For Great Britain it is China and the USA, for the Netherlands – Germany and China, for Italy – the USA and China. There is a large presence of China due to online trade and other sales channels filled with Chinese goods.

Entry of Ukrainian manufacturers to European markets: what buyers in different countries pay attention to


Source: ZN

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