
Erdogan believes that Europe itself is to blame for the energy crisis

He admitted that the Russian president uses energy as a weapon.

Erdogan believes that Europe itself is to blame for the energy crisis

President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes that it is Europe to blame for the energy crisis that has arisen in the region today. His words are quoted by Haber Global.

“We have no problems with natural gas. Europe is actually reaping what it has sown. Mr. Putin's position says that if you do this, I will do this. He uses all the means and weapons at his disposal. The most important of them is natural gas,” Erdogan confirmed, adding that “we would not like that, but this is the situation in Europe, and I think this winter Europe will have serious problems”.

He also noted that Turkey does not have such problems.

Read also: Erdogan said that some Western countries want to “take revenge on the Russian Federation by using Ukraine” billion euros to mitigate the consequences of the energy crisis for households and enterprises. The amount of funding, calculated by the Bruegel think tank in Brussels, covers everything from tariff subsidies for small businesses in Greece to direct payments to consumers in Belgium.

Source: ZN

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