
ESA has suspended cooperation with Russia on the monthly program

In particular, this applies to the Luna-25 aircraft, which the aggressor country seeks to launch by the end of the year.

ESA has stopped working with Russia on the lunar program

The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced the termination of cooperation with Russia on the lunar program. The decision was made in connection with the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the aggressor country, according to the agency's website.


” As in the case of ExoMars, Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions are a fundamental change of circumstances and make it impossible for ESA to plan on a monthly basis, “the agency said in a statement.

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ESA also noted that tools developed for joint projects with Russia will be used in other programs. Thus, the PROSPECT drill and volatile particle analysis tools that were to be part of the Luna-27 program will be delivered to Earth as part of NASA's mission.

In addition, ESA has agreed with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and commercial company to participate in programs of other instruments.

On the eve of the fact that Russia wants to resume its lunar program and launch a robotic complex “Luna-25”, said the president of the aggressor country, Vladimir Putin. At the same time, the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin said that Russia will meet the deadlines and complete the program in the third quarter of this year.

Rogozin has already commented on the withdrawal of ESA from the program: devices. A European woman from a cart, it's easier for a Russian mare. ” The decision to withdraw Europeans from the program in Roscosmos is not considered an obstacle to launching the mission on time.

Previously Rogozin congratulated NATO on its birthday and said that Russia was monitoring the Alliance with the help of its satellites.

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Source: ZN

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