
Eurovision: Kalush Orchestra's performance in the first semifinal

Representatives of Ukraine spoke at number six.

Turin is hosting the first semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest , which will announce the first 10 finalists. Representatives of Ukraine, Kalush Orchestra, performed the song Stefania in the first semifinal.

Read also: “Eurovision-2022”: songs of the participants of the first semifinal

After the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, this song became a real “anthem of the liberation struggle” waged by Ukrainians against the occupiers. The melody Stefania accompanies videos of hostilities, videos of the Armed Forces, as well as videos in which the people of our country decide to stay in Ukraine, despite the threat from Russia.

And now the song was heard on the stage of “Eurovision ».

According to bookmakers, the Kalush Orchestra is one of the main contenders for victory . Representatives of Italy and the United Kingdom are also among the favorites.

It will be recalled that the European Language Union (EBU), which is the organizer of Eurovision, has decided to exclude Russia from participation after the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Producer Simone Martorelli said Russia's exclusion was linked to “the values ​​on which the EBU is based.”

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Source: ZN

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