
Evacuation from the Azot plant in Severodonetsk is now impossible, there are more than half a thousand people – Gaidai

There are 568 people in the bomb shelters. The Russians are constantly shelling the plant with artillery.

 Evacuation from the plant

More than 500 civilians are hiding at the plant Nitrogen in Severodonetsk, including children. Due to constant shelling by the Russian occupiers, their evacuation is currently impossible. This was announced by the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Haidai in an interview with CNN.

According to the head of the military administration, inside the premises of the plant “Nitrogen” are 568 people , 38 of them – children. Due to the artillery bombardment of the Russians, they actually remain hostages and are unable to leave the shelter safely.

“It is impossible to get out of now. I mean, it's physically possible, but it's very dangerous because of the constant shelling and fighting. If someone comes out, they will die with a 99% probability, “Gaidai said.

Most of the people who are hiding in the Azot chemical plant are employees of the company and members of their families. According to the head of the Severodonetsk district military administration Roman Vlasenko, they have been there since the very beginning of the shelling of the city, as there are real bomb shelters on the territory of the enterprise. Currently, people have some food supplies, but due to active fighting in Severodonetsk they have not been replenished in the last two weeks.

Read also: Severodonetsk is a key point in the defense of Luhansk region – Zaluzhny

Earlier, British intelligence reported that Russian troops could block the Armed Forces and civilians at the Azot chemical plant , as they did earlier in Mariupol at Azovstal.

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Source: ZN

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