
Evaluation of the Russian offensive campaign for July 9 – ISW

The Kremlin probably intends to annex part or all of the Kharkiv region

Assessment of the Russian offensive campaign for July 9 - ISW

The Kremlin has broader territorial goals than capturing the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Moscow wants to keep south of Ukraine, reports the Institute for the Study of War.

Russian troops continued their unsuccessful assaults northwest of Sloviansk and conducted
offensive actions east of Siversky from the Lysychansk district. the occupiers continued localized attacks northwest of the city of Kharkiv, likely in an attempt to protect Russian ground lines of communication (GLOC) in the area.

Russian forces continue to face shortages of personnel and equipment, relying on
old armored personnel carriers and the launch of new verbal campaigns.

Russian troops continued to put forward conditions for the annexation of Donbass, the Kharkiv region and the south of

The main direction is Eastern Ukraine

The main efforts are the south of Kharkiv , Donetsk and Luhansk regions (Russia's goal: to surround Ukrainian forces in the east of Ukraine and capture all of Donetsk and Luhansk regions). (GLOC) and prevent Ukrainian forces from reaching the Russian border.

Support operation #2 – Southern Axis (Russia's goal: to protect Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions from Ukrainian counterattacks).

Russian forces continue to modify their S-300 air defense systems to attack ground targets, which, if true , may also indicate that Russian forces in the southern axis are facing a missile shortage.

Mobilization and force-building efforts, Russian goal: to expand combat power without general mobilization

Also read: The next target of the Russians in Donbas may be Siversk — British intelligence

Activities in the territories occupied by Russia. Russia's goal: consolidation of administrative control over the occupied territories; setting the conditions for potential annexation to the Russian Federation or any other future political arrangement of Moscow's choice.

Previously it was reported that Russia is actively chasing ships in the Black and Azov Seas. About half of them go to the Bosphorus.

Source: ZN

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