
“Even an unspoken position is a position”: Kolya Serga addressed “neutral bloggers” of the Russian Federation

He also addressed Regina Todorenko personally.

Ukrainian musician and TV presenter Kolya Serga recorded a video address to his colleague on the project” Eagle and Tail ” Regina Todorenko, as well as other “neutral bloggers” from Russia. He reminded them that Russia has started a full-scale war, so there are no halftones in this situation.

“It's a war, there are no halftones. You are either against or for. Even an unspoken position is a position. Our every action or inaction leads to results. Whether we like it or not. Popularity is a responsibility. And it has its own flesh, and there are bones. And it is the stage of passing the bones that shows whether you are worthy to speak in public or not. If politicians are leaders who manage the material budget of the country, then influencers are people who manage the cultural and spiritual budget. And the moods, values ​​and beliefs of the audience depend on their statements and actions, “Serha said.

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He also reminded Todorenko that he has eight million subscribers, more than half of whom are from Russia. “They trust you, maybe even more than their media. And when they see your reaction to Russia's war in Ukraine, where Russia is not an aggressor, where civilians are sorry, but no one is to blame. And besides, events are not more serious than your wardrobe. They conclude that there is no terror or genocide on the part of Russia, “false alarm”, you can go back to everyday life and have fun as if nothing had happened, “Serga said in a statement.

He also added. that “the phrase” stop the war “, thrown into nowhere, is an attempt to take two chairs at once.” According to Serga, a timely position could save thousands of lives.

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Source: ZN

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