
Expansion of the “flow” in the center of the Doomsday glacier may accelerate its melting – scientists

According to researchers, this flow will expand over the course of 20 years.

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Scientists from Stanford University have announced that the 130-kilometer ice flow in the heart of the Thwaites Glacier, which also they call the Doomsday Glacier, may expand within 20 years. And this, in turn, will lead to an acceleration of its melting and a rise in sea level, reports New Atlas.

The Thwaites Glacier is located in West Antarctica, in some parts the speed of its displacement is two kilometers per hour. It is part of the weak lower part of the West Antarctic ice sheet, vulnerable to collapse. Its outflow rate is also sufficient for a significant contribution to sea level rise.

Read also: Antarctica experienced glacial periods much more often than previously thought – scientists

In the course of previous simulations, scientists concentrated on the speed of its displacement and thickness, as well as on how it changed over the centuries. But the new modeling conducted by the researchers showed that the width of the internal flow can make the glacier more or less stable. A wider flow reduces stability, and a narrow one increases it.

Scientists draw an analogy with the erosion effect of a widening river on its banks. In this case, an expansion of the flow by only 2% can lead to a significant loss of ice. It will release billions of tons of ice into the Amundsen Sea and open the way for more and more ice. However, scientists note that this is not the only possible scenario. There is a possibility that the stream will narrow over time or remain at its former width, which may lead to greater stability of the glacier. It is necessary to collect more data, which will allow building more accurate models of the further development of the situation.

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Earlier, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado announced that Antarctic sea ice had melted to a minimum in recorded history. They noted that the area of ​​Antarctic sea ice had decreased to 1.79 million square kilometers.

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Source: ZN

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