
Export of grain from occupied Crimea to Syria increased 17 times this year – Reuters

For the incomplete year 2022, Syria imported more than 500 thousand tons of wheat from Crimea, and for the whole of last year – 28.2 thousand tons.

Export of grain from occupied Crimea to Syria increased 17 times this year - Reuters

This year, Syria sharply increased wheat imports from Russian-occupied Crimea , which shows the strengthening of relations between Russia and Syria, isolated from the world. Reuters writes about this with reference to the information of the trade and information platform Refinitiv.

According to the data of the Refinitiv platform, in 2021 Syria imported from Sevastopol about 28.2 thousand tons of wheat, in 11 months of 2022 – about 501.8 thousand tons, i.e. 17 times more.

As sanctions make it difficult for Syria and Russia to trade through conventional sea transport and marine insurance, the two countries are increasingly relying on their own ships to transport grain, including three Syrian vessels subject to US sanctions.

Embassy of Ukraine in Beirut , which tracks shipments to Syria, believes that these 500,000 tons of Ukrainian grain were stolen by Russian invaders.

Read also: Lebanon arrests ship with stolen Ukrainian grain – Bloomberg

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Remember, as of the beginning of June, it became known that Russia illegally exported to Syria about 100 thousand tons of grain stolen in Ukraine worth more than 40 million US dollars.

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Source: ZN

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