
Festive and economical: five budget recipes for the New Year's table

The difficult financial situation and rising prices force Ukrainians to save.

Festive and economical: five budget recipes for the New Year's table

Products continue to rise in price in Ukraine, so this year Ukrainians will have to seriously revise the usual New Year's menu. There are tasty and budget-friendly recipes for festive dishes that can be prepared without spending too much, UNIAN writes

Fur coat salad with pickles

Ingredients: potatoes (300 g), pickles (150 g), eggs (2 pcs), carrots (100 g), onions (100 g), beets (150 g) , mayonnaise (300 g), green onion (bunch).

  • Boil beets, carrots, potatoes and eggs, then grate all these products on a large grater. Put a layer of potatoes on a plate, on top – chopped pickles and carrots.
  • Grease with mayonnaise, put onions. Grease with mayonnaise again, add chopped eggs. Spread mayonnaise again and finish the salad with a layer of grated beetroot.
  • Put in the fridge overnight, and then serve, garnished with green onions.

Potato cake in a pan

Ingredients: potatoes (500 g), eggs (2 pcs.), flour (150 g), onion (150 g), sour cream (300 g ), salt, oil, pepper, green onion for decoration

  • Grate the potatoes on a large grater, squeeze out excess liquid, add eggs and mix. After that, add the flour in small portions, and then the onion grated on a large grater. Salt and pepper the obtained mass.
  • Pour plenty of oil on the heated pan and spread the prepared potato mass on it in small portions. Cover with a lid, put on a minimum fire and fry for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the first potato pancake, put it on a plate, smear with sour cream and pepper. Fry pancakes from the remaining “dough” in the same way. Spread the last layer with sour cream and sprinkle with green onions.

Chicken liver with onions and flour Berlin-style

Ingredients :chicken liver (400 g), onion (200 g), sour apples (2-3 pcs), flour (100 g), salt, butter, pepper, green onion for decoration

  • Salt and pepper the washed and cleaned chicken liver. Roll each piece in flour and fry in butter for 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the liver from the pan, put the onion cut into rings instead, fry for 5-7 minutes.
  • When the onion is ready, pour it into a plate, and fry the apples, cut into slices, in a pan. To serve, take a nice plate, put the liver on it, onions on top, and apples at the end. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with green onions.

Perfectly combined with rice and vegetables, mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.

Salad « Mimosa” with Korean carrots

Ingredients: sardines in oil (200 g), onions (100 g), eggs (2 pcs.), potatoes (200 g), carrots Korean (100 g), processed cheese (100 g), mayonnaise (50 g), green onions for decoration

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  • Put the sardines in a deep container, mash them with a fork. Add finely chopped onion and mix.
  • Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, grate them. Start serving the salad – put the potatoes on a plate and spread it with mayonnaise.
  • Next – fish with onions and a grated egg, smear with mayonnaise again.
  • The next layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise. The final stage is Korean carrots and a decoration in the form of chopped green onions.

Cole Slow

Ingredients: blue cabbage (400 g), canned corn (200 g), onion (100 g), Korean carrots (100 g), mayonnaise (200 g), salt, pepper, green onion for decoration.

  • Wash the cabbage, chop it, squeeze it slightly with your hands. Add salt, pepper, put in a salad bowl.
  • Add corn, Korean-style carrots and finely chopped onion, mix.
  • Dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix again. Decorate the dish with green onions.

Source: ZN

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