
Finland will soon decide on NATO membership – the Prime Minister

Most Finns are in favor of Alliance membership. More than 90% of Finnish army officers support membership.

 Finland to decide on NATO membership soon - Prime Minister

Finns – 84% – said they see Russia as a threat to his country because of a full-scale war against Ukraine. Finland will decide in the next few weeks whether the country should join NATO, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said today. p>

“A decision on NATO will be made in a few weeks”, – Bloomberg reports. words of the Prime Minister of Finland.

She said she did not see the need for a decision on NATO to be taken at the same time as Sweden. Although she stressed that she wanted both countries to “make the same choice.” At the same time, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson plans to apply for NATO membership during the Alliance's summit on June 29-30.

It will be recalled that, according to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, if Finland or Sweden decide to apply for NATO membership, can count on a positive response and a quick accession period.

Meanwhile, The Times writes that Russia's mythical fear of expanding NATO's borders, which has led to military aggression against Ukraine, is coming to life./strong> Ironically, this was facilitated by the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2022, Finland and Sweden intend to join the Alliance.

The Kremlin has traditionally responded to the aspirations of Finland and Sweden. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov thinks that the accession of Finland to Finland and Sweden “ will not ensure security in Europe “. He did not say that the only country that violates security in Europe is Russia.

Read also: Finland does not need a referendum on accession to NATO – President

For more information on Finland's renunciation of neutral status, read Alina Gritsenko: “Finland is one step away from NATO membership: what will Russia respond to?” .

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Source: ZN

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