
Former Brazilian President Bolsonaro, who fled to the United States, announced his return home at the end of March

In Brazil, in particular, the role of the former president in the riots in the capital is being investigated.

Ex-President of Brazil Bolsonaro, who fled to the United States, announced that he will return home at the end of March

Former President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, who left for the United States two days before the end of his term of office, will return to the country on March 30. This was announced by his party and press service, reports France24.

Entourage of the former president said that Bolsonaro handed over to the authorities through his lawyers some jewels given to him by the government of Saudi Arabia. The 68-year-old far-right leader has been embroiled in a scandal over this and is accused of illegally importing the jewels into Brazil.

Bolsonaro will arrive in Brazil on Thursday, March 30, at 7:30 a.m., he said. Liberal party on social media.

After losing elections to leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva last October, Bolsonaro left Brazil for Florida on December 30, just two days before the new president was sworn in. , when he had to hand over the powers to his successor.

“I will return to a normal life, work for the party, travel around Brazil and participate in politics,” Bolsonaro said. of the government of Saudi Arabia.

The scandal erupted when the newspaper Estado de Sao Paulo reported that customs officials had intercepted an assistant to Bolsonaro's then-mining and energy minister trying to enter Brazil with a package containing diamonds from the Swiss company Chopard after an official trip to Saudi Arabia in October 2021

Bolsonaro was later found to have kept a second set of jewels, also from Chopard, which had entered Brazil undetected after the same trip.

Travellers entering Brazil with goods worth more than a thousand dollars, must declare them and pay high import taxes.

According to media reports, the value of the jewels, some of which are believed to have been a gift for the former president's wife, is $3.2 million for the first set and at least $75,000 for the second.

“I learned about this story a year later, and my wife learned about it from the press. She has nothing to do with it, the package that was meant for her is at customs,” said Bolsonaro.

Read also: In Brazil, more than 400 supporters of Bolsonaro, who staged riots, were detained

< p>Earlier it was reported that the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil included former President Jair Bolsonaro in the list of persons involved in the investigation of the case of riots in the capital of the country, which ended with the storming of government buildings by his supporters. p> Related video

Senator Marcos Du Val, a close ally of the former president, has turned against him and claims that Bolsonaro and his henchmen tried to “force” him to join the conspiracy to cancel October elections and keep Bolsonaro in power.

Source: ZN

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