
French Finance Minister: EU embargo on Russian oil is a matter of weeks

However, the issue of banning gas imports from Russia is not currently being considered.

 French Finance Minister: EU embargo on Russian oil is a matter of weeks

French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Mer has said the European Union may soon impose a Russian oil embargo . However, the issue of banning the import of Russian gas is not raised at the moment. Le Mer said this in an interview with BFMTV.

According to the Minister, the oil embargo from Russia is “a matter of weeks rather than months.”

“The President of the Republic (ed. Emmanuel Macron) has repeatedly stated that sanctions need to be strengthened,” Le Mer said, referring to “coal and oil imports.”

that for some European countries, all economic activity would simply stop, “said Le Mer.

Read also: Zelensky believes that the EU will impose an embargo on Russian oil

Earlier it was reported that the president In France, Emmanuel Macron approves the embargo on Russian oil at the level of the European Union, so France will persuade other partners who still have doubts.

Why does Europe not agree on a full embargo on energy exports from Russia? Why is a partial or short-term embargo a wrong and dangerous strategy? Should Ukraine itself refuse to transit Russian gas? The answers to these questions are in Mikhail Gonchar's article “Europe in Russia's energy trap: how to overcome dependence?”.

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Source: ZN

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