
“Ghost of Kyiv” as a talisman of Ukraine

A talisman – a mural dedicated to the defenders of the sky – the “ghosts of Kyiv” appeared in Podil for the Aviation Day of Ukraine

  • Alla Eremenko


  • Alla Eremenko 1997-2020 editor of the economic/energy security department of “Mirror of the Week”, energy expert, special correspondent of “EnergoBusiness” magazine

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  • "Ghost of Kyiv" as a talisman of Ukraine

    We — the residents of the capital, citizens who are grateful to them for their service and thousands of saved lives, for our peace, our life — decided to dedicate a mural with the image of the “Ghost of Kyiv” to our heroes to forever perpetuate their memory on the walls of the building in the central the historical district of the capital.

    The idea of ​​the mural appeared in the team of the charitable foundation “For my Ukraine”. A team of artists led by the talented and already famous muralist Andriy Kovtun was invited to realize the idea.

    For their work, the artists took a photo of one of the pilots of the 40th tactical aviation brigade of the Air Force of Ukraine. The image shows a “ghost” pilot in the cockpit of the famous MiG-29 aircraft, which is in service with our Air Force Base.

    But the “Ghost of Kyiv” is a collective image of all the pilots of the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade of the Air Force Base The Armed Forces, which in the first days of the large-scale invasion defended the sky above the capital, stopping the offensive actions of the enemy's ground formations.

    …Prototypes of the “Ghost…” image were among the large audience. They did not stand out in any way (except for the correction). It seems that they liked the artistic embodiment of the image. I would like to call their names, show their faces… But all this is after our victory.

    From July 19, I watched how the preparatory work for the composition began.

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    Source: ZN

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