
Google congratulated Ukraine on Independence Day with a festive doodle

The doodle was created by an artist from Kharkiv.

Google congratulated Ukraine with Independence Day with a festive doodle

The search giant Google presented a doodle dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine. As the company reported, the drawing for the doodle was created by Kharkiv artist Olga Shtonda.

It was on August 24, 1991 that the Act of Independence of Ukraine was proclaimed. The national flag of our country, which became a symbol of independence from the Soviet Union, was brought into the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada.

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Before the declaration of independence, an all-Ukrainian referendum was held, where the people of Ukraine confirmed their desire to live in an independent country.

To the question “Do you confirm the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine?” 28 million 804 thousand Ukrainians answered affirmatively, which was 90.32% of those who took part in the vote.

The national holiday honors the memory of all those who fought for the independence of Ukraine, and pays tribute to those who are doing it now.

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Source: ZN

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