
Google will digitize the destruction in Ukrainian cities: the first results will appear next week

The consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine will be published on Google Maps.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine together with experts from the world technology giant Google launched a project to digitize the consequences of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This was reported by the telegram channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The purpose of the project is to fix the destruction caused by the Russian occupiers in Ukrainian cities and villages.

The project will be publicly available for people who want to have objective data about their area and their real estate.

Separately create a service for law enforcement and rescue workers, who will be able to use it as an information and reference resource to coordinate their actions and further record the state of affairs in the region.

The first results of this work can be assessed from next week. Google experts promise to publish the first panoramic photos of destroyed streets and buildings in Irpin.

span> reports of damage to property due to hostilities .

After the war, the question will be acute < compensation for damages to movable and immovable property destroyed by the Russian enemy . To receive compensation, you need to record everything and prepare the necessary documents.

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