
Hackers Anonymous said that Rutube is unlikely to recover after their attack

The service itself insists that they will be able to return it to work.

attack Anonymous hackers say Rutube is unlikely to recover after their attack

Anonymous hackers say they have carried out a large-scale cyber attack on Russia's video hosting company Rutube . As they said on Twitter, the service is unlikely to be able to resume. probably disappeared forever, “the statement said.

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A large-scale attack on Russian hosting became known on May 9 .

Russian media, citing sources, reported that the hackers managed to completely remove the site's code, so he will not be able to resume work. Rutube itself denies this information and claims that it will soon be able to restore access to the resource. However, Rutube has not yet resumed operations.

Earlier, the hacker group NB65, associated with Anonymous, said it had managed to hack Russia's Qiwi payment system . Hackers were able to filter the credit card data of 12.5 million users.

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Source: ZN

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