
How to help a child not be afraid of the dark: 40 ideas for games

Joint games help relieve tension, prevent trauma and aggravation of stress.

How to help a child not be afraid of the dark: 40 ideas for games

Due to Russian strikes on the energy infrastructure, Ukrainians face long-term blackouts. How to help children overcome the fear of the dark, support and prevent chronic stress? The easiest way is to play.

When one channel of perception is deprived, in a state of overexcitation or inactive, the others are in a greater load and sensitivity. The feeling of closeness during a difficult experience adds strength.

“Fear of the dark is, on the one hand, an age-old fear in children. On the other hand, it is one of the consequences of chronic stress and traumatization. In order to support the child, to prevent his condition from worsening, we can offer games. The game is the easiest way to transform tension,” explains child psychologist Svitlana Roiz.

Audio and word games:

  1. Sing in a choir;
  2. Play musical instruments;
  3. Play imaginary musical instruments. Make sounds as if we are banging timpani, beating drums, playing the violin;
  4. “Tarabar language”. To speak with each other in “gibberish”, i.e. invented language, trying to guess what everyone is talking about by intonation;
  5. Speak colloquialisms together;
  6. Play “white brags”. Like shouting: “And I…!!!” and talking about what we actually know and what we have achieved;
  7. “Alias”. Guess the word by description. However, it is important not to name the word itself;
  8. Tell stories on a given topic;
  9. To tell something to fit in one minute;
  10. “Voices of animals”. Someone makes a sound – others guess. Whoever guesses first becomes the host;
  11. A word game. The next player names the last letter of the previous player's word;
  12. “Fortunately, unfortunately.” Someone invents a situation, and the players take turns offering a continuation, starting with the words “unfortunately”, and the next player – “fortunately”;
  13. “Distorted phone”. Whisper to pass the word to each other. At the end, we will find out what the last player heard;
  14. “Tale”. Compose a fairy tale when everyone speaks in a sentence;
  15. “On the contrary.” Say the words on the contrary without writing them down. For example, “teapot” – “kinnyach”, “wall” – “anits”;
  16. “I guessed”. Tell about the puzzled word without naming it. For example, “I remembered – white, cold, creaks underfoot, melting…”;
  17. Remember an object. Everyone else has to guess it by asking questions to which the presenter can only answer “yes” or “no”;
  18. Rhyme. Name four (or two) random words for which you need to find a rhyme or invent a four-line poem;
  19. “Letter”. Name words only for the given letter. Option for adults: to name the words for the riddled letter, which can be put in a three-liter jar;
  20. We are looking for similarities. Name two random words, and others have to guess how they might be similar.
  21. “Magic language”. For children who are learning to divide words into syllables, you can say words by adding the additional syllable “zhi”, “ma”, or “khryu”;
  22. “Nonsense.” To invent the beginning of a sentence, to which you need to come up with an absolutely “stupendous” and unrealistic continuation;
  23. Find associations. One player names a word, the next – his association with this word. Children can be explained as follows: “The first thing that comes to mind when you hear this word”;
  24. “This word can …”. Describe the word by its “skills”;
  25. “Word that does not exist.” To invent words that do not exist and what they could mean in the language of the aliens.

It is important to touch the child only with warning and when you get permission. Remember that in the dark the sense of touch will be perceived more strongly.

For body contact you may need blankets to cover yourself and feel more secure, lollipops that can be dissolved to taste, chewing gum, water , as well as toys that can be squeezed in the hands, “pop-it”.

Physical games can be as follows:

  1. “Morse code”. Transfer simple words by touch. However, you need to learn a few letters in advance;
  2. “Circle of love”. To hold hands, the players should gently squeeze the palm of the person sitting behind them clockwise;
  3. “Magic Touches”. Imagine that the body is a musical instrument. And each part of the body makes a certain sound. Then touch the child with the palm of your hand so that she sings, hums, crows, etc.;
  4. Beat the rhythm together. It can be a familiar song, you can also create a general rhythm (for example, rain), offer to knock the rhythm with your teeth, click your tongue, beat with your palm, feet, etc;
  5. Embrace each other and kiss with different hugs and kisses (for parents and children). For example, orange, strawberry, rainbow, square, etc.
  6. Dance to an imaginary melody or to the singing of songs;
  7. Pass the object in a circle when the players have their eyes closed. Then touch it and guess what it is, or suggest how it can be used;
  8. “Dotorks are strangers.” To touch the presenter's palms only with pleasant touches, so that the presenter guesses who is touching;
  9. Imagine that he got to a new planet, on which there is no usual light. And then – imagine how you can adapt to it;
  10. Make a hut for yourself from pillows and blankets;
  11. If the space is familiar and safe, play “baba kutsa”. The presenter should catch the players clapping their hands.

If there is a flashlight:

  1. Play shadow theater with your hands. Create different figurines with your hands;
  2. Play shadow theater using toys. It is necessary to illuminate them so that there is a shadow;
  3. Make a projector from a glass and film;
  4. Look through a colander at the “stars”.

Read also : Ukrainians are asked to prepare: new missile strikes and blackouts are possible

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Source: ZN

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