
Immigrants are asked not to stay in Dnipropetrovsk region: an even bigger wave is possible

Locals are not yet agitated to leave.

Internally displaced persons who have taken refuge in Dnipropetrovsk region, are asked to leave the region if possible. According to the chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional council Mykola Lukashuk, this is due to the situation in the Donetsk direction, which may worsen.

“The number of migrants in Dnipropetrovsk region may increase many times over. Therefore, we ask all internally displaced persons who want and can leave to move to the western regions of Ukraine. This will reduce the burden on our communities and help cope with the possible influx of people, “he wrote in his Telegram.

This is how evacuation trains run daily from the Dnieper and Kryvyi Rih. You can also leave by your own transport.

Lukashuk added that at the moment the regional authorities do not call for leaving the homes of Dnipropetrovsk residents, as the situation in the region is under control.

He later added that the Dnipropetrovsk region had come under fire three times in the past 24 hours, killing four people and injuring seven. Two citizens are missing. “

” All the victims are people who were evacuated by boat across the river from the occupied territory of Kherson region. Several groups managed to transport. Then the occupiers attacked from the air and killed civilians, “said the head of the regional council.

Note that residents of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, as well as part of Kharkiv, are asked to evacuate as much as possible due to the possibility of increased fighting in the region and to save their own lives.

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