
In Georgia, Russian citizens hit a Georgian woman for the flag of Ukraine

Flags of Ukraine are hung in Tbilisi and other major cities of Georgia, many of them in various organizations and in cars, everywhere you can see the words “Glory to Ukraine”.

In Georgia, citizens Russia strikes Georgian woman for Ukrainian flag

In one of the private institutions in Batumi (Georgia), Russian citizens tore down the Ukrainian flag and hit a company employee – a Georgian citizen. This was reported by the Georgian media.

According to the staff of the translation bureau where the incident took place, the irritation of Russian citizens was caused by the flag of Ukraine and the inscription “Russian ship go to ** y”. There were only two Georgian employees in the office at the time.

An employee of the Bureau pointed out to Russian citizens that they are privately owned and damage private property. When she started filming what was happening, a Russian citizen hit her.

After that, the staff of the Translation Bureau called the police.

It is also known that later the Batumi City Court sentenced the Russian citizen to a fine of 500 GEL (more than $ 170).

According to one of the Russian media, after February 24 the flags of Ukraine were hung in Tbilisi and other major cities of the country, many of them in various organizations and in cars, everywhere you can also see the words “Glory to Ukraine”.

Batumelebi. ge © Russians did not like this interior

Earlier, a Swedish company fired a Russian woman for insulting a passerby she considered Ukrainian >.

The Ukrainian embassy in Sweden has asked Swedish law enforcement agencies to provide a legal assessment of the act and take action.

with direct calls for ethnic cleansing and ethnocide in Ukraine .

And Russian troops commit genocide in Ukraine .


Evidence of the Putin regime's genocide against Ukrainians is currently being collected. Some states have already recognized the fact of genocide committed by Russia in Ukraine.

In addition, to date, more than 40 countries have supported Ukraine's intention to bring Russia to justice in the International Criminal Court for illegal intrusion into its territory. It is likely that this lawsuit will include the occupation of parts of Donbass and Crimea in 2014.

Source: ZN

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