
In Georgia, they find no reason to transfer Saakashvili to intensive care. They say that his indicators are normal

According to Minister Bregadze, in politics, even the body mass index does not correspond to the one at which a prisoner would need to be transferred.

In Georgia, they do not find reasons to transfer Saakashvili to intensive care. They say that his indicators are normal

Currently there are no objective reasons for transferring Mikheil Saakashvili in the intensive care unit, said the Minister of Justice of Georgia Rati Bregadze during the briefing. He accused the radical opposition of destructive actions, allegedly its representatives, in order to ensure the “political viability” of the ex-president, politicize and manipulate the issue of his health, informs Echo of the Caucasus“.< /p>

Bregadze believes that the campaign with the demand to transfer Saakashvili to the intensive care unit aims to create a false perception of his condition in society and artificially exacerbate the emotional front.

“In matters of treatment, the opinions of the medical staff are reliable for us, and not the baseless statements of politically engaged persons aimed at misleading the public. According to yesterday's statement of the director of the “Vivamed” clinic, the patient does not have a violation of the function of swallowing or any other mechanism, which can interfere with eating,” said the minister.

He also said that the convict was offered parenteral nutrition, but he refused, explaining that he would agree to this only if he was transferred to the intensive care unit.

“The patient's physiological parameters remain within normal limits. Even the mass index does not correspond to the parameters of treatment in the intensive care unit, which ultimately means that there are no objective reasons for transferring Mikheil Saakashvili to the intensive care unit,” the minister said.

Read also: I do not think that the Saakashvili case will determine our future in the EU – the president of Georgia

We will remind, on February 1, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi commented on the situation with Mikheil Saakashvili, accusing the Georgian authorities of trying to kill the politician. He also called it slow torture of a citizen of our country.

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Source: ZN

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