
In Kharkiv Oblast, a soldier of the Armed Forces rescued a python that the Russians stole and abandoned in a tank

The animal miraculously survived.

left in a tank” alt=”In Kharkiv Oblast, a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces rescued a python that the Russians stole and left in a tank” />

Russian occupiers stole a python in Kupyansk, Kharkiv Oblast and abandoned it in a destroyed tank. A Ukrainian military officer told about this in an interview with Suspilno.

It is known that the occupiers stole a snake from an elite bathhouse in Kupyansk during the occupation. However, after the counteroffensive of Ukrainian forces in the Kharkiv region in September, the Russians left the animal to die in a destroyed ZSU tank. I squeezed it under my jacket and ran further, because the tank started exploding. I ran to the broken house, found a bag and put it there,” says ZSU soldier Bohdan, who rescued the python.

Read also: At night the occupiers hit Kupyansk with a S-300 missile – the head of the Kharkiv OVA

The soldier says that during the battles for the city, the bathhouse where the python lived was destroyed. There were many snakes there, but they were dead. The military does not rule out that the python could have crawled up to the broken tank to warm itself.

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Earlier it was reported that the Russians destroyed a private zoo in the Kharkiv region, but the animals were saved from it .

Source: ZN

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