
In Spain, they started testing a shortened working week

This is expected to increase labor productivity.

In Spain, they began testing a shortened working week” />

The Spanish government launched a pilot project, according to which, in order to increase labor productivity, small and medium-sized industrial companies will be able < strong>reduce the working week at least by half a day without reducing wages, conveys Euronews.

To finance the development of ways to increase labor productivity to reduce working hours, the Spanish Ministry of Industry allocated 10 million euros.

New methods of work organization should be introduced within a year, and such a program should be supported at least two years.

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In the first year of the project, the government partially will fund the wage costs of companies cutting working hours and help fund training and the cost of productivity measures.

No less than 30% of employees must reduce working hours if the company employs up to 20 people, and if the company employs from 21 to 249 people, then at least 25% of employees must participate in the program.

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UAE became the first country in the world to officially introduce shortened working week in 2021.

Source: ZN

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