
“In the 2030s we will be treated by unskilled people”: what threatens to reduce the passing score for medical entrants

This year's passing score in medical universities will be the lowest in history.

Reducing the minimum passing score for medical university entrants up to 100 points will lead to the fact that in 7-10 years Ukrainians will be treated by extremely incompetent doctors, said co-founder of the Ukrainian Health Center Pavlo Kovtonyuk.

He reminded that by 2018 medicine was the lowest among all specialties pass mark – 130 points of external evaluation, and as a result those who could not enter other specialties entered medical universities.

“Inverse selection. A place of salvation for the worst. It all ended with you know the quality of our medicine. Now it is not 130. It is 100. The Ministry of Health calls the now abolished minimum barrier of 150 points “increased requirements”. Oh no. Increased requirements are what our team insisted on in 2018 – 180 points. 150 were the minimum, compromise requirements. And 100 points is to open the door to medical universities to any unlucky person who is not able to enter anywhere, but is not capable of anything at all, “Kovtonyuk stressed.

He noted that people who are not able to score high in the EIT to study such an important specialty for the future of the state as medicine, then will not be able to pass professional exams, but universities to hide such a failure, or reduce requirements or just for good money estimates.

“The result of this policy will be that in 2030 we will be treated by extremely unskilled people. And the government will spend a lot of money to pay their salaries. Let me remind you that the 2030s are the period of our recovery, about which the government is talking so much now. In order for our country to become stronger, we must not reduce, but increase the requirements for medical and any other education, “the expert stressed.

Kovtonyuk stressed that for a successful future programs and exams in Ukrainian universities should to be synchronized with the West.

“This is how we will grow a strong generation of modern doctors. Then the best talents from other countries will go and work here. Then strong professors will come here. Then science will be reborn. And for all this to happen in 2030-2040, decisions must be made now, “he concluded.

The day before it became known that the Ministry of Health has abolished the barrier to entry at a minimum 150 points on an external independent assessment for medical entrants. Thus, even those who have not mastered even the school program will be able to enter medical specialties.

Source: ZN

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