
In the USA, they are calling for the continuation of the grain agreement

The validity period of the concluded agreements expires in mid-November.

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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called for the extension of the agreement on the transit of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, which expires in mid-November.

Blinken noted that it was concluded through the mediation of the UN and Turkey's agreement between Ukraine and Russia is extremely important after Russia's war in Ukraine blocked thousands of tons of grain in Ukrainian ports.

At the Global Food Security Summit held during the UN General Assembly, Blinken stressed that the agreement must continue, so it should be extended immediately.

“As you have heard from some of my colleagues, despite some misinformation, which continues to flow from Moscow, grain and other food products are getting where they need to be to the countries most in need, mostly in the Global South,” said Blinken.

The top US diplomat urged countries to do more to respond to the food security crisis.

“Some countries that could do more are currently among those doing the least. That needs to change,” Blinken said without naming names.

He also added that every country, regardless of how much it has already done, should do more.

Blinken also announced that President Joe Biden will announce new US aid on Wednesday.

Read also: the State Department said how many granaries in Ukraine have been destroyed or occupied

In general, as part of the agreement concluded with the mediation of the UN and Turkey, 165 vessels out of 3.7 million left the ports of Ukraine tons of agricultural products on board.

As the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleb warned, Putin, in response to the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces, will probably try to block the extension of the grain export agreement.

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Moscow threatens not to extend the grain agreement if its requirements to unblock the export of Russian food and fertilizers are not met.

Source: ZN

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