
India is “deeply concerned” by missile attacks on Ukraine

New Delhi called on Moscow and Kyiv to end the armed confrontation and sit down at the negotiating table.

India is 'deeply concerned' by missile attacks on Ukraine

India has expressed its “deep concern” about the escalation of war after Russia fired missiles at Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities today. The press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, Arindam Bagchi, wrote about this on his Twitter page.

“India is deeply concerned about the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, including attacks on infrastructure and the death of civilians,” the message reads.


Baghchi reiterated India's position that “an escalation of hostilities is not in anyone's interest,” calling for an “immediate end to the standoff” and a return to the path of dialogue.

Also read: Bloomberg: Missile shelling of Ukraine showed that the explosion on the Crimean bridge was a heavy blow for Putin

Today, Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar also refused to answer a question about whether his country would support the UN General Assembly resolution condemning the Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories.< /p>

“For political reasons, as well as for reasons of prudence, we do not make predictions about our votes,” said the Indian minister.

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In September, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Prime Minister Modi told Vladimir Putin during the SCO summit in Uzbekistan, that “now is not the era of wars”, urging him to stop hostilities against Ukraine.

Source: ZN

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