
Iran attacks insurgent positions in Iraqi Kurdistan with missiles and drones

Tehran has accused Iraqi-based Kurdish rebels of fomenting the unrest and threatened to strike armed Iranian Kurds.

Iran attacks insurgent positions in Iraqi Kurdistan with missiles and drones

On Monday morning, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) targeted the headquarters of “dissident groups” in Iraq Kurdistan with the use of drones and missiles, Reuters reports.

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The Revolutionary Guard attacked the bases of fighters of the Iranian Kurdish opposition in the Kurdish region of Iraq after the death of Mahsa Amini on September 16, which sparked nationwide riots.

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Iran accused Kurdish militants of base are in Iraq, fomenting unrest and threatening to strike armed Iranian Kurds.

The IRGC struck military bases in the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq, aiming to destroy facilities that had been partially destroyed in previous attacks , Fars added.

The West has already had time to react – the US Central Command condemned the attack in a statement on Monday.

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Let us remind you that the day before Turkey shelled Kurdish positions in Syria, dozens of dead are reported.

Source: ZN

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