
Iran denies selling drones to Russia

The head of the Foreign Ministry of Iran reacted to the US statement that Tehran plans to provide the Russian Federation with drones.

Iran denies selling drones to Russia

Iran claims that it will not supply Russian drones. In particular, Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein-Amir Abdollahian said that his country is not going to supply Russia with weapons, La Repubblica reports. Tehran plans to provide Russia with drones.

In particular, the head of the Foreign Ministry noted that his country avoids any actions that risk leading to further escalation in Ukraine, including the supply of weapons.

“We have defense agreements with the Russian Federation, but we will not help any from the sides of the conflict,” the minister said.

According to him, Iran opposed the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine from the very beginning, but believes that “the situation should be resolved through negotiations.”

Read also: Der Spiegel: Russia wants to throw Iranian drones into the war with Ukraine, what can Iran give?

Recall that the White House believes that Iran can start supplying Russia with combat drones for the war in Ukraine, in particular, capable of carrying weapons.

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Source: ZN

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