
Israel handed over 17 generators to the Kherson region

Currently, there are problems with light practically throughout the country. A few hours ago, the head of Yasno said about the light situation in Kyiv: “We don't even expect to get close to the schedule yet.”

Israel handed over 17 generators to the Kherson Region

Israel handed over 17 generators of various capacities to the institutions of the Kherson Region. At 110 kVA, 170 kVA, 220 kVA and 250 kVA. The situation in the de-occupied territories of the south remains difficult, given the destruction, in particular, of the energy infrastructure, writes the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

Read also: Britain sent Ukraine 900 generators and thousands of units of winter equipment for the military

The department itself promised to send an additional 21 generators and 24 transformers to the region, received as humanitarian aid from international partners .

Currently, there are problems with light in fact throughout the country. A few hours ago, the head of Yasno about the situation with light in Kyiv: “We don't even expect to get close to the schedule yet.”

Previously, we collected what to do if the electricity goes out and how to prepare

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Source: ZN

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