
It didn't make it: a rocket exploded in Crimea, which the occupiers fired at Odesa – Bratchuk

Explosions, a “downed drone” and a fire – it's a busy evening again in the occupied Crimea.

alt=”Didn't fly: a rocket exploded in Crimea, which the occupiers fired over Odesa – Bratchuk” />

In occupied Crimeaexplosions were heard on Cape Fiolent and a fire broke out. Later it became known that it was an Onyx anti-ship missile that the Russians launched over Odessa. The spokesman of Odesa OVA Serhiy Bratchuk reported about the unsuccessful launch of the missile.

“In rosZMI they write that the Onyx anti-aircraft missile, which they launched over Ukraine, fell in Crimea, but something went wrong . At that time, an alarm sounded in Odessa and the region. Coincidence?”, Bratchuk wrote in his Telegram.

He also added in the video that the rocket most likely exploded at Cape Fiolent south of Sevastopol. According to local Telegram channels, the air defense missile division is stationed there.

Explosions on Cape Fiolent were reported around 18:00, as well as “cotton” in Cossack Bay in Sevastopol.

The representative of the occupiers, the so-called “governor” Mikhail Razvozhaev, made the latest comments in his Telegram. He wrote that a drone was shot down again over Cape Chersonesos (near Kozacha Bay) and “the situation is completely under control.”

Later, he also reported on the fire on the territory of the non-commercial gardening society (SNT) “Monsoon”, which is located south of Sevastopol, exactly halfway between Capes Chersonesos and Fiolent. The occupying “governor” reported that a wooden building with an area of ​​150 square meters caught fire on the territory of an abandoned military unit. “This is in no way related to the work of the Air Defense Forces,” Razvozhaev once again reassured.

Read also: In Melitopol, automatic rounds: the Russians are trying to shoot down a drone of the Armed Forces – Fedorov

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We will remind you that explosions and “air defense work” have become absolutely everyday phenomena for the peninsula occupied by Russia. On the Independence Day of Ukraine, August 24, a similar situation existed on Cape Chersonese.

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Source: ZN

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