
Italy is asking the International Criminal Court to determine whether genocide is taking place in Ukraine

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Mayo accuses Putin of rising food prices in Italy

Italy asks international criminal court to establish whether genocide takes place in Ukraine

Atrocities committed by Russian troops in Ukraine, killing civilians and children are obvious. This was stated in an interview with Radio 24 on April 15 by Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Mayo, according to

He noted that Italy does not have the details to assess whether There is genocide in Ukraine, according to US President Joe Biden. However, Italy has already appealed to the International Criminal Court to qualify Russia's atrocities in Ukraine.

“I believe that Putin is not signaling peace when he says he has to end the special operation. For this reason, we must continue the sanctions,” he said. escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, where Putin intends to seize the Donbass region.

However, Di Mayo expressed hope that Orthodox Easter could be a pretext for a truce.

“We are working on this because it is the only way to evacuate from eastern Ukraine, where attacks are on the rise, civilians and children away from Russian bombs,” he said. Di Mayo also expressed hope for a resumption of dialogue Ukraine and Russia. “President Zelensky has made important statements – Putin must speak now,” Di Mayo said. “We must create humanitarian corridors. The more active the talks, the more corridors there will be,” he said. .

Di Mayo also said that after Easter, the Italian Foreign Ministry will work to return the Italian ambassador to Ukraine to Kyiv “and signal that we are close to the Ukrainian institutions of power.”

< Italian Foreign Minister accuses Putin of rising food prices in Italy because food ships blocked by Russia

Read also: WSJ: War in Ukraine revives global evil

As previously reported, Russia has almost completed preparations for the next incendiary operation in eastern Ukraine and may launch active hostilities in the near future.

Source: ZN

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