
Ivan Franko Theater in Kyiv resumes rehearsals and hosts Brecht's famous political play

The play “Career of Arturo Wee, which could not be” will be staged by Dmitry Bogomazov.

  • Oleg Vergelis


  • Oleg Vergelis Editor of the Department of Culture ZN.UA (1996-2019)

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 Ivan Franko Kyiv Theater resumes rehearsals and takes on Brecht's famous political play

The other day the Ivan Franko National Theater hosted a meeting of the creative team to discuss the future of the Ukrainian theater in the conditions of the war, as well as the recent address of the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko when he spoke about the “healing function”. “The art of theater in wartime, supporting the active work of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Drama Theater named after Ivan Franko.

The Ivan Franko Kyiv Theater is also ready for a consistent phased screening of its productions at the present time, taking into account all precautions and safety rules. In this sense, there is no possibility (necessary security factors) to fully play the current large repertoire on two stages of the theater at Ivan Franko Square, Z. Therefore, the management of the Ivan Franko Theater is currently negotiating with the Kyiv Academy of Music and Kyiv Lesia Ukrainka to play her popular productions from time to time on the neighboring stages. Which performances of Frankivsk residents will later appear on the stage of the Lesia Ukrainka Music Academy and Theater is still under discussion.

Read also: Poetry of the Ukrainian Front: Kyiv Ivan Franko Theater presented a project based on military texts

At the same time, there are already decisions and desires of Frankivsk residents to resume the rehearsal process on the Serhiy Danchenko Chamber Stage. They hope to resume the rehearsal process of the new play “Caligula” based on the play by Albert Camus. The director Ivan Urivsky, who is working on this production, told ZN.UA that even before the war managed to make a significant part of the new play. We have reached the moment when Caligula fell ill. And we have two more scenes before his death. Then, when the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine began, doubts arose: should this work be continued at all, is it necessary right now? And right now I it seems that the story in the work of Albert Camus (and the playwright finished his play in 1944, in the midst of World War II) that evil should be killed in its infancy, so that such evil does not germinate, does not give shoots and roots and Today, Camus's play is perceived by me as a warning that the type of sick tyrant ruler (such as Caligula) is possible at all times, both before our era and in our era, unfortunately. Caligula, they sometimes gain absolute power and are able to destroy everything around them. I am still collecting my thoughts on this play based on the proposed circumstances of the current military life. But I feel that when our play is born, it will have two parts, two stylistic trends: “before” and “after” all that is connected with the current war. I think when we meet the actors, we will have something to talk about and discuss on the subject of Emperor Caligula and our current crazy war. Dialogue with the actors always allows you to look at a play from a new perspective. “

The role of the Roman emperor Caligula in the new play of the Franks is rehearsed in two compositions by two young actors, who are called by the media among the most promising modern actors in Ukraine – Vitaly Azhnov and Alexander Rudinsky. The play also involves actors: Dmitry Rybalevsky, Roman Yasinovsky, Akmal Gurezov, Alexander Pecheritsa, Lyudmila Smorodina, Elena Khokhlatkina, Tatiana Mikhina, Ksenia Basha.

Dmytro Bohomazov, director general of the Ivan Franko National Theater, says the current war will have a significant impact on the repertoire policy of many Ukrainian theaters and Kyiv theaters, including some of the previously announced titles. Bogomazov himself admits that before the war he began work on one of Moliere's great comedies, taking into account the 400th anniversary of Moliere's birth: this date is celebrated this year by the whole cultural world. Currently, according to Bogomazov, the current turning point in the dramatic period required finding a new text to work at the National Theater. In the process of creative search, the famous Ukrainian theater director has now opted for the cult political play “Career of Arturo Wei, which may not be” by the genius German playwright Bertold Brecht.

Brecht conceived his sharp political anti-fascist play-pamphlet in 1935, and completed work on the text in 1941. It was a time when Nazi Germany had almost conquered Europe, and Brecht was interested in the rise of the “Fuhrer” as a gangster, as a freak and a villain. Brecht himself did not hide that his “Career” implies certain allusions to Shakespeare's villains – Richard III, Macbeth, and others. Dmytro Bogomazov is in no hurry to talk about the siege of his new play, but emphasizes that today the Ivan Franko National Theater has one of the strongest acting troupes in Europe.

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Source: ZN

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