
King Charles III declared his son heir to the throne

Now William will become the first heir to the British throne after the current king.

King Charles III announced his son as heir to the throne

Charles III announced son William, Duke of Cambridge, Prince of Wales. His wife Catherine will bear the title of Princess of Wales. Now William will become the first heir to the British throne after the death or abdication of the king. The king announced this during his first speech.

“My descendant William will receive the Scottish title and take the title of Duke of Cornwall. And I also announce that I bestow upon him the title of Prince of Wales,” said the King of Great Britain.

The speech was recorded in the Blue Drawing Room of Buckingham Palace. It is almost entirely dedicated to his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The king stated that Elizabeth II's entire life was filled with service to British subjects.

He recalled that when his mother came to the throne, Britain was still feeling the effects of the Second World War and living with old ideas about the world.

During the years of her reign, British society changed, bringing together many people. nationalities and religions. The principles of governing the state also changed.

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Charles III emphasized that the principles and values ​​of the British monarchy, the Anglican Church, those traditions and freedoms that are the basis of parliamentary rule must and will remain inviolable.

He addressed all the subjects of Great Britain and promised that throughout throughout his life will serve them “with loyalty, respect and love”, guided by the principles of the British Constitution.

He also thanked his wife Camilla, and expressed his belief that she will carry out the duties of Queen Consort with dignity .

He wished his youngest son, Prince Harry, and his wife Meghan “a happy life overseas”.

Finally, Charles III announced that Elizabeth II's funeral will take place next week . On behalf of himself, the royal family and the British people, he said the main word to his mother: “thank you.”

Prince Charles inherited the British throne after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

Source: ZN

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