
Lack of sleep can damage the immune system – scientists

Chronic lack of sleep leads to inflammation.

Lack of sleep can damage the immune system - scientists

Scientists from the Icon School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have said that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in the production of immune cells associated with inflammation. In addition, it can change the DNA of immune cells, according to CNN.

According to the author of the study, Cameron McAlpine, the immune cells not only increased in number, but also were programmed differently, which could potentially lead to the development of diseases such as such as cardiovascular disease. This happened after six weeks of sleep deprivation.

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Inflammation is necessary for the body to fight infections and heal wounds effectively. But an “overactive immune system” can cause harm and increase the risk of developing autoimmune disorders and chronic diseases.

The study conducted by scientists was small, it included only 14 volunteers. They were all young, healthy people with no sleep problems. But, at the same time, the study was long-term, changes in sleep were monitored for 12 weeks.

For the first six weeks, each volunteer slept for seven to eight hours, and for the second, he reduced the duration of sleep by 90 minutes each night. At the end of each six-week cycle, volunteers had their blood taken in the morning and evening for analysis of immune cells. There were no changes in those who slept well. But in those who lacked sleep, increased activity of certain immune cells was recorded.

Studies conducted in mice showed that the activity of immune cells in them was the same as in humans. In such experiments, mice slept soundly for 10 weeks, and then they were deprived of sleep again.

But despite the long period of sound sleep, scientists noticed that the DNA changes remained, and the immune system continued to be more active. This made animals more susceptible to inflammation and diseases.

That is, according to scientists, the restoration of the sleep regime cannot fully compensate for the damage caused by its lack.

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Important! This publication is based on the latest and current scientific research in the field of medicine and has an exclusively general informational character. The publication cannot be the basis for making any diagnoses. If you are sick or need a diagnosis, see a doctor!

Source: ZN

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