
Last Lunar Eclipse of the Year: Online Streaming

It will not be possible to see the phenomenon on the territory of Ukraine.

Last Lunar Eclipse of the Year: Online Streaming

Tuesday, November 8th will be the last lunar eclipse of the year. The event will also be the last total lunar eclipse until 2025.

You won't be able to see the eclipse everywhere. It will be observed by residents of East Asia, Australia, the Pacific coast and North America. That is, it will be impossible to see the eclipse in Ukraine.

The peak of the eclipse will begin around 12:16 Kyiv time. At this time, the Moon will be completely immersed in the Earth's shadow. It may seem that the satellite of our planet should completely darken, but in fact it will turn blood-red. That is why total lunar eclipses are also called the Blood Moon.

Read also: NASA's apparatus transmitted images of the Moon and Earth to Earth

For those who will not be able to see the eclipse live, the world's leading laboratories conduct online – broadcasts. Their start is scheduled for 11:00-11:30 on October 8. Broadcasts will show most of the eclipse, including its maximum phase.

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Remind , on October 25, residents of some regions of the Earth, including Ukraine, could observe a partial solar eclipse, which became the last solar eclipse of the year. But some of the most spectacular views were discovered from space, where satellites were able to record the movement of the moon's shadow across the disk of our planet.

Source: ZN

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