
Lawyers need to gather evidence of Putin's genocide against Ukrainians

There is enough evidence that Putin and his entourage deny the very existence of the Ukrainian people

= “It is necessary to gather evidence of Putin's genocide against Ukrainians – lawyers” alt = “It is necessary to collect evidence of Putin's genocide against Ukrainians – lawyers” />

But there is enough evidence that Vladimir Putin and his entourage deny the very existence of the Ukrainian people , according to jurists interviewed by the Voice of America.

Respondents started by defining the term “genocide” as the deliberate destruction of people on the basis of their nationality, ethnicity, race or religion.

Proving genocide means proving the intent with which the crime was committed. Therefore, lawyers admit that it is difficult to investigate such a case. But in the case of Ukraine, the statements of the Russian authorities and Vladimir Putin in particular point to the real goals of this war.

“He created a narrative that justifies Russian aggression, which includes refusing to recognize that there are people – Ukrainians who have the right to exist and self-determination,” said Daniel Rothenberg, professor and co-director of the Center for the Study of Future Wars.

Proofs of intent can also be statements made by the state media. For example, an article in the pro-Kremlin news agency RIA Novosti entitled “What Russia should do with Ukraine.”

“I read this article in English, and it relays the idea of ​​genocide. I have no doubt. As a researcher, I look at it and understand that it is precisely the fact that Ukrainians do not have the right to exist as a nation, ”said Ernesto Verdea of ​​the Institute for the Study of Genocide (USA).

actions of the Russian army in the occupied territories.

“Preparation of lists to be destroyed by members of the country's leadership, journalists, the military – is the destruction of the nation's intelligence, its beheading of the nation. This is a preparation for genocide – to destroy first those who can resist. Also Russification: you see how Melitopol is trying to transfer children to Russian-language education, “said Olesya Stasiuk, director of the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide in Kyiv.

The process of gathering evidence and litigation can take years. Experts believe that the International Criminal Court can consider Russia's crimes against Ukraine, but it is better to set up a separate tribunal.

“An international tribunal is needed to unite the world, and we have finally condemned Russia for the crimes it has committed and continues to commit. If evil is not punished, it will become much stronger, being sure that he will not be punished for what he has done, ”Olesya Stasiuk emphasizes.

Finkel, a professor at Johns Hopkins University: “I don't think the Hague or Nuremberg will ever happen to him. As long as he is alive and in power, it is unlikely that we will be able to achieve a legal punishment of the ruling elite. Collect evidence – yes. It is possible to judge someone from the middle and lower levels who actually killed. ”

Ernesto Verdea also adds that the main problem is that the suspects cannot be tried without their presence: “None of these courts can detain anyone. That is, a person must be detained and then brought to justice in any way. For example, Milosevic was first arrested in his own country after the change of power. “

But this does not mean that gathering evidence of genocide against Ukrainians is meaningless. First, all this data immediately becomes a documented part of history. Second, to launch an investigation now, in the early stages of the war, is to make the crime public. In addition, history has shown that the dictators of the second half of the 20th century, after all, were punished for their crimes.

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It will be recalled that US President Biden has twice called genocide” Russia's invasion of Ukraine “.

“Yes, I called it genocide because it's getting clearer and clearer: Putin is just trying to wipe out the very idea of ​​Ukrainians,” he said.

French President Macron On the contrary, he does not use the term: “The word genocide has a specific meaning, and lawyers, not politicians, should define it,” he said.

against the Ukrainian people is becoming more and more.

“Genocide” is a hybrid word that goes back to two languages: Greek “genos” – “genus, origin” and Latin “caedere” – “to kill”. 49 members of his family: “Under international law, genocide is the deliberate destruction of a group of people, in whole or in part, according to their national, ethnic, racial or religious affiliation,” said Ernesto Verdea of ​​the Institute for the Study of Genocide.

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Source: ZN

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