
Luhansk region is not the hottest spot in Donbass – head of OVA

Gaidai said that there will be no pseudo-referendum in the near future.

the region is not the hottest spot in Donbas – the head of the OVA” />

The head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai said that the occupiers began to “mobilize” men in Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Starobilsk and other temporarily occupied populated areas of Luhansk region.

Counterattack: in Luhansk region the load is less than in Kharkiv and Kherson regions, but our region has not bad prospects. The main efforts of the enemy have now been concentrated on Bakhmut, Luhansk region is not the hottest spot in Donbas,” Gaidai noted in Telegram.

According to him, there will be no pseudo-referendum in Donbas in the near future.

The head of the Luhansk Oblast, Serhii Gaidai, said that the cities of the Luhansk Oblast, captured by Russian troops, are facing disaster.< /strong>

Read also: In the occupied territory of Luhansk region, forcibly mobilized employees of enterprises are replaced by shift workers from the Russian Federation – Gaidai

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Source: ZN

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