
Macron's diplomacy in Ukraine is “catastrophic” – the former head of NATO

Rasmussen was not convinced by the change in Macron's rhetoric in response to Russia's actions.

Macron in Ukraine “disastrous” – ex-NATO head” />

Former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen criticized French President Emmanuel Macron's diplomatic efforts in response to Russia's war in Ukraine. He called them a failure and stated that they were “deeply harmful” for Kyiv. The former Prime Minister of Denmark stated this in an interview with the French magazine Le Point.

Rasmussen's comments came after criticism, particularly in Eastern Europe, that Macron maintained an open line with Russian President Vladimir Putin with direct phone calls even after the invasion of Ukraine and warned against “humiliating” Russia.

“Macron surprised us at the beginning of the crisis with his, to put it mildly, unique and critical statement that Putin cannot be humiliated and offered a way out. Such statements were catastrophic and deeply harmful,” he added, Reuters reports.

Rasmussen's sharp statement came at a time when Macron is revising his message and setting a tougher tone towards Moscow.

In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, the French leader reiterated his belief that world leaders need to maintain a dialogue with Russia, adding that he will speak with Putin again in the coming days to discuss the security situation related to with nuclear reactors located in the zone of military operations in Ukraine.

But, according to observers, Macron's speech at the UN, in which he accused Russia of modern imperialismand called on developing countries to oppose Moscow, marked a change in tone.

Macron said that peace talks can only work if “Ukraine's sovereignty is respected, its territory is liberated, and its security is protected “.

“Russia must now understand that it cannot impose its will by military means, – said Macron.

However, Rasmussen was not convinced by Macron's attempts to change the rhetoric.

“He weakened international cohesion, and I think he now regrets it and is trying to regain the initiative,” he said in an interview.

Also read: Macron called for reform of the UN Security Council

Previously The President of France called the referendums announced by Russia on the captured Ukrainian territories a “parody”.

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Source: ZN

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