
Martial law: can men younger than 27 who have not served before be mobilized

This issue arose due to the cancellation of military service during the war.

Martial law: can men younger than 27 who have not served before be mobilized

In October, the Verkhovna Rada approved the cancellation of conscription for military service in Ukraine during martial law . Because of this, many wondered if this meant that men between the ages of 18 and 27 would not be mobilized at this time.

Read also: Martial law: how long do conscripts serve during mobilization

Lawyer Marina Bekalo explained if this is really so.

She emphasized that men under the age of 27 who have not completed their military service are subject to mobilization. The issue of conscription for term military service and military service during mobilization is regulated by separate legislation.

Conscription was canceled by presidential decrees. Conscription age for military conscription: from 18 to 27 years (Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service”). That is, as of today, the conscription of boys aged 18 to 27 has been canceled. But this does not apply to conscription for military service during mobilization.

After all, to date, the legal regime of wartime is in effect and mobilization has been announced, which continues every 90 days. Mobilization has been announced among reservists and conscript men of conscription age.

Based on the norms of the relevant legislation, the conscription age for military service starts at 18 (when boys are called up for conscription) according to Art. 15 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the maximum conscription age for persons: private, sergeant and senior officers, junior and senior officers – is up to 60 years old (Article 22 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service service”). Currently, all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are considered conscripts.

Those who have not completed military service (military department) are also called up during mobilization (if they passed the medical examination and were deemed fit for service and have no other grounds for postponement), conduct initial combat training, are assigned to military units (provide a military specialty, the rank of rank and file) and then sent to perform combat tasks.

As for the rumor that supposedly men aged 18 to 27 who have not completed military service can serve only by signing a contract, then for the period of mobilization, the contract is signed with servicemen who have military ranks, reservists and conscripts who have relevant combat experience and training. This is stated in Clause 254 of the Regulations on military service in the Armed Forces.

And the Armed Forces are replenished at the expense of mobilized persons who do not have experience. They first undergo combat training in training centers, after which they are distributed among military units and sent to the relevant areas of hostilities.

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Source: ZN

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