
Marvel comics will leave Russia in the summer

The company has decided to ban the sale of comics and revoke the license to publish them.

Marvel comics will leave Russia in summer

Marvel has sent a letter to Geek City and the Chuk and Geek comic book store in Russia, stating that it will stop selling its comics in the country from the summer and revoke the licenses for their publisher in the country. -aggressors. This was reported by the Russian Air Force.

Yes, Russia will leave, in particular, comics about Captain America, Spider-Man, Hulk and other Marvel characters.

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“From the point of view of retail, I can say that it will be a strong blow to the market, tangible, but, admittedly, not fatal. A fatal blow would be the departure of Japanese publishers, which so far does not seem to be planned. But for publishers who have built their program, relying mostly on Marvel, it is, of course, a devastating blow, “- said the owner of” Chuka and Gika “Ivan Chernyavsky.

Recall, in Japan at 140 Commitia announces manga dedicated to the Ghost of Kyiv – the legendary Ukrainian pilot . The manga will be released on May 5.

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Source: ZN

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