
Michel named the condition of nuclear safety at the ZNPP, and it is not the demilitarization of the station

The Chairman of the European Council supports the permanent presence of IAEA experts at the nuclear facility.

“Michel named the condition of nuclear safety at the ZNPP, and it is not the demilitarization of the plant” />

The Chairman of the European Council Charles Michel discussed with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Rafael Grossi < strong>situation at the Zaporizhia NPP captured by the Russians.

Michel agrees that the presence of IAEA experts at the station should be permanent. This is necessary to ensure nuclear security, the chairman of the European Council believes.

“Russia has put the world at risk. Ensuring nuclear safety and security is key. A permanent presence of the IAEA at the station is needed,” Michel wrote on Twitter.

Despite the fact that the head of the European Council clearly indicated that it is Russia that exposes the world to a nuclear threat, he did not emphasize the need to withdraw Russian military and personnel from the nuclear power plant and create a demilitarized zone around it.

The EU supports the efforts of the Agency. and admires the courage and professionalism of the experts during the first mission at the ZNPP, added Michel.

Read also: Erdogan told Putin that he could be a mediator in the conflict at the ZNPP

Recall that on September 1 the IAEA mission inspected the Zaporizhzhia NPP. The mission spent about two hours at the station, after which most of the inspectors, together with the general director Rafael Grossi, left it.

The Ukrainian side remained dissatisfied with the visit. The experts did not insist on the urgent withdrawal of Russian troops and Rosatom employees from the Ukrainian NPP, the creation of a demilitarized zone around it, the admission of independent journalists, etc.

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In the hands of the Russian invaders, the the facility will remain a tool of nuclear blackmail by the Kremlin. Read more about the enemy's plans in Serhii Savchenko's article “Hybrid Escape from Military Defeat“.

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Source: ZN

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