
Microsoft threatens Bing competitors to close access to data on the basis of which AI tools are created – Bloomberg

Microsoft and Google are the only companies that index the entire Internet, and Google's restrictions on the use of its index led to the fact that almost all other search systems began to use Bing from Microsoft.

Microsoft threatens Bing competitors to close access to data based on which tools with AI create - Bloomberg

Corporation Microsoft has threatened to close access to Internet search data that it licenses competing search engines with Bing if they do not stop using this data as a basis for developing their own chats with artificial intelligence, according to Bloomberg.

The software manufacturer licenses the data of its Bing search index to other search engines, in particular Yahoo and DuckDuckGo. In February, Microsoft integrated ChatGPT artificial intelligence technology into Bing. Competitors quickly started implementing their own chatbots with artificial intelligence: Google released the Bard tool; DuckDuckGo introduced the DuckAssist feature; You and Neeva – YouChat and NeevaAI.

Read also: OpenAI named professions that may disappear due to the development of artificial intelligence

These search chatbots strive to combine the conversational skills of ChatGPT with the information provided by a conventional search engine. Common search systems DuckDuckGo,, and Neeva use Bing to get some information, since indexing the entire Internet is expensive – servers to store data and constantly scan the Internet to enable updates.

Microsoft has told at least two customers that using its Bing search engine to power its AI chatbots violates the terms of their contract, according to people who spoke on condition of anonymity. The company said that it may terminate the licenses that provide access to its search index.

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Earlier, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said that he“is a little afraid” of the created he is the chatbot company ChatGPT, and believes that the development of this artificial intelligence will lead to the disappearance of a number of professions.

Source: ZN

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