
Military medical examination: work on conscience

Limited availability is a big problem for the army

  • Alla Kotlyar


  • Alla Kotlyar editor of the social department of DT.UA

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Military medical examination: work on conscience

Oleksandr's job is a paramedic at a medical center of one of the units fighting in the east of the country. Part of his duties is to refer soldiers to the Military Medical Commission (MMC) to determine suitability for military service. He turned to the editorial office of ZN.UA because, according to him, he absolutely does not know “what to do with situations when people with disabilities are recognized as “suitable” or “limitedly suitable” and then these people are hanged for part.” As a result, others have to fight for them. And this, among other things, undermines the morale of the fighters.

We do not mention the part and the real name of the man who volunteered to give an interview, because, according to Oleksandr, his battalion holds a very important section of the front. “And a lot depends on me in terms of helping the fighters,” he says. “However, everyone involved in this process knows about the problem.”— Oleksandr, what are the functions of a paramedic at a medical unit of a military unit?

— In the combat army, the concept of functions is quite conditional. According to the law, a paramedic is an average medical staff, the head of a battalion medical station. Properly, he should just follow the doctor's orders and help him. But in the current situation, everything is somewhat different. Nowadays, people very often perform functions according to their abilities, and not just job duties. For example, we removed a good rehabilitator from the post of a grenade launcher after 40 combat sorties. At the moment, it helps in the rehabilitation of people.

Since I am a doctor with a fairly long experience by experience and by profession (I worked in anesthesiology and intensive care for 13 years, the last 10 in IT, but previous experience now helps a lot) , then I also perform the functions of nachmed, when he is not present, involved in the organization of the process as a whole, evacuation, referral to the VLK and control of people going there, as well as the results of the VLK.

— How is the process of passing the VLK fighters for fitness for military service? What are its stages?

— VLCs occur for various reasons. Any passage — only by referral signed by the unit commander. You can send a healthy person who does not have a VLK certificate, just to understand whether he is suitable for military service.

Wounded and sick are a separate process. We send them to the VLC usually after we understand that this person cannot perform combat loads, or if there are doubts that he can do it, to understand how sick the person is. We refer to a specialist medical commission for conclusions that we cannot give on our own.

Stages. In advance, this is an understanding of why this person should be referred to the VLK. Then — the formation of the request, signature of the commander and referral to the VLK to one of the regional VLK-points. They are different. There are central ones and there are those that are closer to us, but usually do not have many rights, such as write-offs. In this case, they direct the person somewhere else.

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– What is the picture with the newly mobilized?

– The newly mobilized are a separate story altogether. It often happens that they bring people who have not passed the VLK at all. At the beginning of the invasion, it was logical – by the time you pass the VLK, the enemy can advance significantly. Therefore, at first people were sent without VLK, and people themselves went voluntarily. However, over time, various nuances emerged. So different people got to the front. And then nobody knew how to get rid of them: getting into the army is much easier than getting out of it.

One of the main problems here is that due to the itch in the ass of some personalities, newly mobilized people are often not taken through the VLK at all. For example, we recently received a person who suffered a myocardial infarction a month before. The man even began to pass the VLK, and then by order he was simply driven to “zero”, where he had to fight with it. I put on a bulletproof vest once and got unstable angina. Thank goodness I knew what to do with it. They quickly removed that bulletproof vest, gave nitroglycerin, fixed it, and by order of the commander, sent it to the VLK, so that the person could be written off. But this kind of hogwash, when people who have absolutely nothing to do in the army come to us, frightens everyone — both the medical service and the combat unit.

– What about those who were injured and received treatment? What is the picture here? Are there clear criteria, a list of diseases, according to which a person is recognized as 100% unfit for military service? If not, what is the control of the VLK?

— As for the wounded, the problem here is also quite big. Yes, the VLK has certain criteria according to which it determines “suitable/limitedly suitable/unsuitable”. But a glass of water can be half full or half empty. If you write “slightly broken function” – you will get one. And if what is in fact, you will get something completely different. If the doctor receives a prescription that he should not have more than a certain number of unfit patients, then he will write all sorts of nonsense. A fighter receives a VLK in his hands, comes to the unit and says that he cannot serve. And we see that it really cannot. And according to the conclusion of the VLK, it can. And what should we do with him? According to the VLK, he should be tried and imprisoned because he is healthy. And in fact, the picture is completely different.

I had such a situation when a person came to the VLC, they wrote a diagnosis and next to it – “healthy”. And a week later, a person with the same diagnosis plus others was operated on in neurosurgery, because she could not walk for two months. We found ways to send the man to the hospital for treatment, he is currently undergoing rehabilitation. It is unlikely that he will be able to return to the army.

Or another case – a person with multiple sclerosis was not seen at the VLK. Because the neurologist has a flow. He walks, seems to communicate – well done, healthy. There is a dark story. The man hid his diagnosis for some reason. When he was already wounded and the disease began to progress, no one could understand what was happening. Someone thought: maybe “mowing”. And then the diagnosis came out…

These are examples of indifference and incompetence of a particular doctor. If a normal doctor was sitting on the VLC, he would have seen a specific problem, and then there should have been either a discharge or treatment with a subsequent review.

Thank God, tuberculosis is immediately written off on the VLK, if diagnosed. Hepatitis C of a certain degree is written off, if diagnosed and determined. But even guys with amputations of arms and legs are very often not written off for some reason, but written to them: “With a review in six months.” Although neither an arm nor a leg will grow back. And this falls on a part, because they cannot be completely written off, the guys are in some kind of reserve, which absolutely cannot be used. Everyone understands everything perfectly. And it hangs.

I don't know how I was this list was made, but in traumatology, in my opinion, it is the most obscene. The guy in the video, according to VLK, is completely suitable. I would like to put the person who wrote this to him in the trench with him, so that the boy with that finger would prove his worth to him. However, the boy also had psoriasis, so he was eventually given “limited eligibility” – something that should have been written from the very beginning in this situation.

Military medical examination: work on conscience< /p>

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Source: ZN

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