
Mobilization in Ukraine: can students be called up for military service

Ukrainian legislation provides protection for certain categories of students.

Mobilization in Ukraine: can students be called up for military service

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has extended general mobilization and martial law in the country until November 21. Ukrainian lawyers told in a comment to “Focus” whether they can call up students during this period.

Read also: Mobilization: how conscripts are distributed

As Yaroslava Borka, a lawyer at the “Volkhv” legal company, reported, according to the current legislation of Ukraine, students are not called up for military service , if they study full-time or dual education. This applies to both students of Ukrainian educational institutions and students of foreign colleges, universities, universities and other educational institutions.

“The Law of Ukraine “On Mobilization Training and Mobilization” defines the list of persons who are not subject to conscription during mobilization. Thus, according to Article 23, conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period, is not subject to: holders of professional (vocational and technical) , professional higher and higher education, trainee assistants, graduate students and doctoral students of full-time or dual forms of education,” she reminded.

The Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” also regulates the issue of student mobilization.
As noted by the lawyer of the law firm “Ilyashev and Partners” Volodymyr Adonin, part 8 of Article 17 of the law stipulates that the postponement of conscription for military service for obtaining education for the entire period of study is provided to citizens of draft age who are studying:

  • in institutions of general secondary education of the III degree and professional (vocational and technical) education with a full-time form of education. When such conscripts reach the age of 21, the deferral becomes invalid;
  • in institutions of higher professional education with full-time education, including when receiving the initial level (short cycle) and the first (bachelor) level of higher education under programs of the tiered system of education;
  • in institutions of professional higher and/or higher education with a full-time form of education, including when obtaining the next degree of education;
  • in institutions of secondary or higher spiritual education with full-time education;
  • in an internship, graduate or doctoral program with or without a break from production.

What to do as a student who wants to serve

How Kateryna Anishchenko, a lawyer from the legal company “Riyako&Partners”, explained that if a student wants to serve, it is enough for him to come to the territorial recruitment and social support center (formerly the military commissary) and write a statement about his desire to be a volunteer.

After that, the military commissariat sends a message to his educational institution, and it automatically, without the student's application, grants him academic leave for the duration of his service.

If the student does not want to be mobilized, upon receiving the summons, he must submit a certificate to the military commissariat about training.

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Earlier we reported that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhnyi sent a letter to the Ministry of Defense with a request to allow those who are not subject to mobilization, including students, to travel abroad .


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Source: ZN

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