
More power to the audience: Eurovision organizers have changed the voting rules

Jury votes will be taken into account only in the grand final.

More power to viewers: Eurovision organizers have changed the voting rules

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has announced large-scale changes to the voting rules for the Eurovision-2023″ contest. Thanks to these changes, the votes of the audience will receive more weight in determining the winner.

As reported on the EBU website, only the votes of the audience will be taken into account when determining the participants who advance to the final from the semi-finals. At the same time, residents of countries that do not participate in the contest will be able to vote. They will be able to cast their votes online.

Read also: The finalists of the National Selection for “Eurovision” have been named

This format will replace the usual combination of votes of the audience and the jury, which has operated at “Eurovision” since 2009 year The votes of countries not participating in the competition will be taken into account for the first time in its history. They will have the same weight as the votes of the spectators from the participating countries, and will be taken into account in both the semi-finals and the grand final.

At the same time, there are some differences in the voting mechanism. Viewers from participating countries will be able to vote via SMS or via the Eurovision app. Those who live in countries that do not participate in the competition will be able to do it through a secure online platform, registering with the credit card of their country's bank.

Eurovision 2023 will be held in Liverpool. The semi-finals will be held on May 9 and 11, and the final on May 13.

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Source: ZN

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