
Morning explosions in Kyiv – explanation of the incident from the Ground Forces

Currently, there are no offensive actions of the enemy from the North. As for explosions, just in case, stay close to the shelter.

Morning explosions in Kyiv - explanation of the incident from the Ground Forces

In Kyiv this morning, explosions were heard. There was no air alarm. It is currently unknown whether these were planned exercises (such an option appears), or whether this is another threat from the enemy. ZN.UA correspondents confirm at least two explosions on the Left Bank. A few more sounded more distant. Just in case, move away from windows and stay covered.

Update.The Ground Forces urge the people of Kyiv not to panic: there are currently no offensive actions of the enemy from the North. This is what the Deputy Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Pavlyuk said about today's incident:

“The sounds of explosions that could be heard in Kyiv and in the region are actively used by Russian bot farms as an excuse to disperse panic and broadcast the message that this is the beginning of an offensive from the North. I note that there are currently no offensive actions of the enemy from the North. The explosions did not associated with a threat from the air or the work of air defense, as well as with any military actions. If there was a threat, you would have heard an alarm signal. The reason for the explosions will be reported separately.”

The President's Office probably reacted to this incident , called for calm, but no other details have yet been provided.

Previously, we collected some advice on how to behave in the event of a missile strike.

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Source: ZN

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