
NAZK can block the Council's vote on the scandalous bill No. 5655 on urban planning reform for 10 days. Document.

According to NAKC, the bill authored by the head of the Servant of the People party, Olena Shulyak, prepared for the second reading, is not consistent with the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-25.

NAZK can block the Council's vote on the scandalous bill No. 5655 on urban planning reform for 10 days. Document.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption sent an official letter to the specialized committee of the Verkhovna Rada, signed by the Deputy Chairman of the NAKC Andriy Vishnevsky.

Therefore, the deputies were informed that the National Committee of the National Committee of Ukraine reviewed the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Reforming the Sphere of Urban Development” (No. 5655) and concluded that the document does not correspond to the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-2025. This is stated in the documents at the disposal of ZN.UA.

NAZK can block the Council's vote on the scandalous bill No. 5655 on urban planning reform for 10 days. Document.

According to the letter, the NAZK suggested that people's deputies make changes to the document and provided relevant comments and recommendations.

In particular, the draft law does not provide for a mechanism for the elimination of detected violations of legislation established as a result of supervision, sanctions for objects objects of supervision in case of violations, as well as how the corresponding violations should be eliminated.

There is also no procedure for annulment of the right to build, obtained on the basis of submitted documents that contradict the urban planning legislation.

Yes, according to Art. 43 of the draft of the new law, regarding the procedure for conducting inspections during state urban planning supervision, no consequences for illegal construction in case of detection of violations as a result of state urban planning supervision are provided. This significantly increases corruption risks, and also promotes the spread of corrupt practices and illegal constructions.

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According to our information, an emergency meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning will be held tomorrow, at which deputies are going to urgently “correct” the draft law in accordance with the comments of the NACP.

< However, since the adoption of the law in the first reading, more than 223 amendments have been made to the draft law, which the deputies received only yesterday at 3:00 p.m. NAKC, which in an official letter warned the committee about the violation of the Anti-corruption Strategy, can officially take the draft law for re-examination.

In this case, according to Art. 55 of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, conducting such an examination by the NAKC is grounds for stopping the review procedure or adoption of the draft law for a period of up to ten days. Therefore, consideration of the scandalous draft law can be postponed.

Earlier The Association of Cities of Ukraine submitted its proposals to the profile committee of the Verkhovna Rada for the second reading of draft law No. 5655. As noted by the executive director of the association Olexandr Slobozhan< /strong>, the lack of clearly defined norms, down to the comma, in the draft law increases possible corruption, negates the idea of ​​digitization of the permit system in urban planning.

The draft law is actively lobbied by its author and the head of the Servant of the People party » Olena Shulyak. According to ZN.UA, she separately submitted a number of amendments to the committee's vote, which worsen the situation even more.

In mid-November, the SBU simultaneously searched the National Union of Architects of Ukraine. The deputy head of the Architectural Chamber of NSAU Anna Kyriy then called it “another significant event in the chain of revenge against architects for our position on draft law No. 5655”.

“This is another significant event in the chain the struggle of individual politicians of the state with civil society. And we know their names well,” the architect wrote on her Facebook page. — Exactly on this day a year ago, the Architectural Chamber of NSAU held an all-Ukrainian campaign for a real urban planning reform, not the scheme proposed by lobbyists in 5655″.

Read also: Architects accused the authorities of lack of transparency and called for cooperation in within the framework of the future recovery of the country

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An analysis of the draft law and how the urban planning reform proposed by the authorities can turn into the formation of a kind of construction autonomy, where civil society is assigned only the role of a spectator, was done for ZN.UA by Georgy Mohylnyi < /strong>in the material “Autonomous Building Republic. Facts without myths.”

Source: ZN

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