
New restrictions on smokers come into force in Ukraine

The ban applies to e-cigarettes.

In Ukraine come into force new restrictions on smokers

A law banning the smoking of e-cigarettes in public places will come into force in the country on July 11. MP Lada Bulakh reminded about it.

According to her, the purpose of the anti-tobacco law № 1978-IX was to overcome the tobacco epidemic and protect children and youth from getting involved in smoking.

She reminded that the first rule, which will come into force on July 11 this year, will be a ban on smoking tobacco heating devices in certain places on a par with cigarettes, e-cigarettes and hookahs.

In which places will smoking be banned

“There is no safe smoking, any tobacco emissions are harmful to the people around us, even if we do not feel them,” said Bulakh.

The People's Deputy emphasizes that this rule will protect the rights of workers and visitors premises from dirty air.

In particular, such premises are restaurants, schools, hospitals, universities, offices and government buildings.

Advertising is prohibited

regulations prohibiting the advertising of electronic cigarettes and heating devices will come into force tobacco and the sale of cigarettes and liquids to e-cigarettes with flavors.

Read also: Smoking provokes the development of severe COVID-19 & mdash; study

It will be recalled that at the end of last year, the Council adopted Law №4358 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Public Health Protection from the Harmful Effects of Tobacco”. A total of 317 people's deputies voted for the document.

Source: ZN

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