
New technologies create new security risks – FBI director

Among the risks at the moment are cyberthreats from China and Russia.

New technologies create new security risks - FBI director

New technologies – from autonomous vehicles to artificial intelligence – create both growing opportunities and new dashes for security, declared Director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation Christopher Wray at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

According to him, the USA is especially concerned about Chinese artificial intelligence programs and their ability to hack other countries' systems. In addition, the FBI stopped the demand for Russian cyber attacks on American infrastructure at the beginning of a full-scale war with Ukraine. attacks is increasing, both qualitatively and quantitatively,” he said.

The director of the FBI also said that his department is concerned that autonomous vehicles can be manipulated in such a way as to confuse or distort algorithms, which could potentially lead to physical harm.

Read also: The Internet is in the crosshairs: after failures on the battlefield, Russia increases cyberattacks on civilian services – Politico

Earlier at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella

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advised to provide its own security in cyberspace are guided by the principle of zero trust. That is, initially assume the possibility of hacking and, based on this, build a defense strategy.


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Source: ZN

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